【2025年の人気アイテム】 無添加・無香料 Concentrated 100%Yuzu Juice ゆず果汁
無添加・無香料 すべて国産を使用した、こだわりの柚子果汁。 ゆず生産量日本一の高知県産ゆず果汁です。調味料としてお料理に使っていただいたり、焼き魚やお漬物などの香りづけに最適です。ドレッシングやポン酢も作ることが出来ます。甘いお砂糖のドリンクが苦手な方は、こちらの果汁をお水で割って、さっぱりゆずドリンクがお飲みいただけます。高知県産ゆず 高知県は、全国でも有数の柚子の産地で、生産量、作付面積ともに日本一です。その中でも味、香り、共に最もゆずドリンクに適した仁淀川流域産のゆずを厳選し使用しています。そんなこだわりの柚子ドリンクをぜひご賞味ください。 高知県では、昔から柚子が当り前のように生活の中にありました。 料理にかけて食べたり、柚子のお寿司があったり、お風呂に入れたり、香りを楽しんだり。日々の生活にゆずは欠かせないものです。 そんな伝統文化から生まれた、柚子ドリンク。気分をリフレッシュしてくれます。 約6倍の水や炭酸水、お湯で割ってお召し上がり下さい。1本で約3Lの柚子ドリンクがお楽しみいただけます。 スッキリとした柚子の風味が織りなすハーモニー。ビールにいれて、でビアカクテル。ジンベースのカクテルに。ウィスキーにいれて。 色々なお酒に、華やかな香りと彩りを添えてくれます。 Additive-free and fragrance-free Yuzu juice from Kochi Prefecture, which is the largest producer of yuzu in Japan. It is ideal for use as a seasoning in cooking, and for adding flavor to grilled fish, pickles, etc. You can also make dressing and ponzu sauce. If you dont like sweet sugary drinks, you can mix this fruit juice with water and enjoy a refreshing yuzu drink Yuzu from Kochi Kochi Prefecture is one of the most famous Yuzu production areas in Japan and is the largest in Japan in terms of production volume and planted area. Among them, we carefully select and use Yuzu from the Niyodo River basin, which has the best taste and fragrance for both Yuzu drinks. Please enjoy such a particular Yuzu drink. In Kochi prefecture, yuzu has always been a part of daily life. Enjoy cooking, eating yuzu sushi, taking a bath, and enjoying the scent. Yuzu is an indispensable part of everyday life. A citron drink born from such a traditional culture. It refreshes your mood. Divide with approximately 6 times water, carbonated water, or hot water to enjoy. You can enjoy ab
Additive-free and fragrance-free Yuzu juice from Kochi Prefecture, which is the largest producer of yuzu in Japan. It is ideal for use as a seasoning in cooking, and for adding flavor to grilled fish, pickles, etc. You can also make dressing and ponzu sauce. If you dont like sweet sugary drinks, you can mix this fruit juice with water and enjoy a refreshing yuzu drink
Yuzu from Kochi
Kochi Prefecture is one of the most famous Yuzu production areas in Japan and is the largest in Japan in terms of production volume and planted area. Among them, we carefully select and use Yuzu from the Niyodo River basin, which has the best taste and fragrance for both Yuzu drinks. Please enjoy such a particular Yuzu drink.
In Kochi prefecture, yuzu has always been a part of daily life.
Enjoy cooking, eating yuzu sushi, taking a bath, and enjoying the scent. Yuzu is an indispensable part of everyday life.
A citron drink born from such a traditional culture. It refreshes your mood.
Divide with approximately 6 times water, carbonated water, or hot water to enjoy. You can enjoy ab
エネルギー 30kcal
タンパク質 0.5g
脂質 0.1g
炭水化物 7.0g
食塩相当量 0.003g